12 October 2021

  1. Discussing weight and obesity with patients
  2. Shoulder examination and diagnosis 3. Discussing a change in the diagnosis & prognosis

30 September 2021

  1. Responding to new patients with high expectations 
  2. Discussing red flags and risks with patients
  3. Providing training for associates
  4. Managing missed appointments & late cancellations

14 September 2021

“Challenging conditions”

  1. Management of acute discs & radiculopathies
  2. Handling patients who don’t follow your recommended treatment plan
  3. Differentiating lumbar and pelvic pain generators
  4. Fibromyalgia and chornic MSK cases

01 September 2021

  1. How to leave a job / clinic well
  2. Sources of business advice for running a clinic
  3. How to know when to stop trying and discharge a patient

12 August 2021

  1. Tricky cases – psychological / psychiatric issues
  2. How to find quality practitioners to refer to
  3. Contacting patients who don’t rebook without hassling them

23 July 2021

  1. Tricky cases – post-COVID immune reaction
  2. Dealing with rude / challenging patients, becoming aware of potential co-dependency with patients
  3. Tricky cases – managing a suspected Ankylosing Spondylitis case

05 July 2021

  1. Making your RoF efficient yet comprehensive
  2. How to communicate uncertainty with confidence
  3. Balancing note-taking with listening
  4. Handling unreasonable patients and complaints
  5. Improving patient engagement with active care

23 June 2021

  1. Dealing with skeptical patients / companions
  2. Deciding on the correct treatment plan
  3. Handling patients refusing to comply with COVID procedures, or espouse extreme beliefs
  4. Key things to focus on in your first year