Introducing The “Report of Findings Review” – a unique, proven, and personalized approach to delivering a first class Patient Centred Experience

When patients don’t stick with your recommendations, practice can become a struggle…

Having the occasional non-compliant patient is something we all face from time to time. But when it becomes a regular occurrence, it’s a clear sign that something isn’t working right. Whatever the specific cause, it means your patients aren’t able to benefit from what your care has to offer them – and are potentially stuck struggling with pain unnecessarily. This also means the are less likely to review and refer, impacting your reputation in your community…

Early Drop outs and low compliance don’t just affect your patients outcomes – they have a direct impact on your success (and job satisfaction too!)

Not only are patients not getting the full benefits of your care, but it has a significant impact on your practice. Gaps in the diary, increased marketing overheads, and a general feeling of frustration or stress are just some of the downstream effects. Left unchecked, these issues won’t just affect your income – they cause many caring and honest practitioners to develop full-blown impostor syndrome, or potentially even burnout…

Rather than put up with the growing frustration, many practitioners turn to industry coaches, guru’s and marketers…

Clinical practice is complex enough already, before you’ve added the additional challenges of being a small business entrepreneur on top of that. And whilst your university might have done a good job preparing you to see patients, it likely didn’t teach you much about what happens outside of your treatment room. This is why so many “practice management companies” and other self-proclaimed experts exist, all promising their own unique cure to all your practice worries.

The problem is, most approaches are either outdated, or downright unethical…

Most coaches out there are simply teaching a cut-and-paste formula that they happened to stumble across back when they were still in practice. Whilst it might have worked for their clinic, there’s no guarantee it will work for others. And sadly, many of these coaches are prepared to compromise their ethics in order to make more money.

Recommending long term treatment plans or using sales and marketing tactics is a perfect example…

Some of the more common approaches involve requiring patients to commit to big treatment plans up front, often with big discounts” offered on inflated fees… but only if the patient pays up front before starting care. However others are more subtle, teaching you how to persuade patients to take up care with a “soft sell” sales pitch that still leaves you feeling uncomfortable deep down…

And then there’s the fact that most coaches offer a high-priced and one-size-fits-all coaching program that ties you into long term contracts, and doesn’t respect the individuality of your practice…

The coaching industry can be a very lucrative one, and as such tends to attract a certain kind of person. The result is that many use the same methods on their clients that they teach for their  patients… expensive and lengthy cookie-cutter programs that don’t allow for your individual needs and preferences. Which means that for most, the only truly “successful” clients are the ones who become a carbon-copy of their chosen guru.

And not only this – they’re often fixing the wrong problem by trying to fill a “Leaky Bucket”

Think of your schedule like a bucket that you want to fill with patients. Marketers strategies work by trying to fill it with more new patients – whether that’s paid ads, community events, or networking. All of these work by pouring more water into your bucket. But if patients are still leaking out of holes (early drop outs, or not starting care at all), you can have as many new patients as you want but still struggle to fill it – wasting all the time, effort and money you put into bringing them in! Which is why many coaches will recommend less honest methods…

Recommending long term treatment plans or using sales and marketing tactics are a perfect example…

Instead of trying to fill the bucket with more new patients, the standard methods used by these practice management guru’s is to get you to overtreat your patients. Often this means requiring patients to commit to big treatment plans up front, often with big discounts” offered on inflated fees… but only if the patient pays up front before starting care. Others are more subtle, teaching you how to persuade patients to take up care with a “soft sell” sales pitch that still leaves you feeling uncomfortable deep down… All with the aim of filling your bucket with unnecessary treatment visits.

Instead, you need to focus on filling the major holes in the foundation first – and none are more foundational than your Patient Experience!

I get it – social media marketing can seem like a modern and quick way to “fill your bucket”. But if those patients don’t stick around long enough to get better, you’re literally pouring money down the drain – and potentially putting those patients off chiropractic for life! Similarly, focusing on improving your clinical skills might seem like the obvious way to get better outcomes, but these only work if your patient trusts you enough to let you use them.

Practitioners who recognise that delivering a first class, patient-centred experience is the “keystone” to a successful career not only get better results… they also beenfit far more form these other approaches down the line. Once you’ve patched the bigger holes in the bottom of the bucket, adding more water or focusing on the other holes further up is far more effective.

It’s an investment that continues to pay off for your entire career!

Fortunately, with my approach you don’t have to worry about being pressured into using sleazy or ineffective sales tactics, and you can even avoid those high-priced long-term coaching commitments too…

As a patient-centred practitioner, I pride myself on always putting people above profits. I didn’t get into chiropractic to make money but to help people – and that goes for coaching too. I believe that these dishonest and manipulative tactics have no place in our profession, and that honest, decent practitioners deserve better.

Instead, you can get an individual Report of Finding Review to get accurate, ethical, and effective feedback on your new patient journey, with actionable steps you can take to start getting better results… all without doing or saying anything you aren’t 100% comfortable with.

I’ve spent the better part of 2 decades searching for ethical and effective approaches to delivering a proven, cutting-edge patient experience – one that you’ll love to deliver, and your patients will love to receive. Not only that, but I’ll give you personal 1-2-1 support to implement them in a way that makes sense for your unique practice. Giving you direct, actionable feedback, without wading through hours of course materials. I take away all the guesswork and experimenting, so you can just focus on getting results. Because sometimes, you just want someone to tell you what to do!

Getting accurate and personalised feedback is VITAL because not every clinic, chiropractor, or patient is the same, and being told to violate your own values is a sure-fire path to frustration and eventually burnout…

Many of the colleagues I work with have spent a small fortune on formulaic coaching programs, or countless hours watching online courses designed for a very different practice model to their own. They know that many of the strategies won’t work for them, so have to constantly rethink everything they’re being told. This isn’t just a waste of their time and money, but results in issues like decision fatigue and even burnout. That’s why I provide personal, 1-2-1 feedback in individual sessions – so you only pay for what you need, and nothing else.

And with these RoF Reviews, you can benefit from personalized feedback and support, without committing to regular & expensive live 1-2-1 coaching, or group calls that don’t provide you with personal attention you need…

In an industry dominated by high-priced coaching programs and coaches obsessed with “scaling” their businesses, it can feel like getting effective advice requires you to spend a small fortune to join one of the major practice management companies… with no guarantee you’ll get the results you wanted! That’s why I decided to offer these Reviews instead – giving you the personal support of a 1-2-1 coach, without the 5-figure price tag! You also have the benefit of deciding just how much support you want, instead of being forced into a generic “one-size-fits-all” program that wastes precious hours of your time.

Once I’ve analysed your specific Report of Findings against the 4 Key Criteria, I’ll talk you through your results, and give you specific action steps for how you can instantly deliver a more effective RoF that makes patients trust you more, not less…

Most coaches are satisfied as long as they’re generating sales and clients are signing up. That’s now how I like to operate, however. When you work with me, I’m personally invested in your success, and go above and beyond to make sure you get as much value from our work as possible.

So how does your RoF Review work?

And just like your patients, you have a choice of different options available when it comes to upgrading your Patient Experience

To ensure this is as tailored to your needs as possible, I’ve created multiple options for how we can work together. It all depends on how much support you’d like – and how in-depth you want to go…


Choose from one of 3 options below:

The Report of Findings Review

The RoF Review is the fastest and simplest way to get personal 1-2-1 feedback on your patient communication skills. For many clinicians, the Report of Findings is the “make or break” point in the patient journey – the place where the patient will decide to take you up on care, or not. This makes it the ideal starting point for assessing your skills, and to identify the “low hanging fruit” for easy and rapid improvements.

  • A “play by play” video breakdown of your RoF, with specific feedback on your scores, what works well, what could be improved, and exactly how to go about that.
  • You’ll also be sent a report detailing specific steps and exercises to improve your scores
  • Additional resources such as consent forms, example patient handouts or video examples will be provided as well, to help you implement your feedback with ease

The New Patient Journey

As well as the Report of Findings, this initial new patient consultation is a critical time for building deep trust and rapport with your patient. Any missed opportunities in the history will negatively impact your RoF – yet most practitioners don’t even consider this!

For those looking to take a more in depth approach, this option allows us to find the “buried treasure” and ensure you don’t just deliver a great Report of Findings, but are building it on a rock-solid foundation and bond with your patient. This not only increases the effectiveness of the RoF itself, but enables you to feel much more relaxed and comfortable throughout their initial consultation..

What’s Included:

  • Everything in the RoF Review: The Video Analysis, PDF Scorecard, Bonus Resources, plus…
  • You’ll also submit a recording of a new patient case history for review.
  • Alongside your RoF Analysis video and report, you’ll receive a second video breaking down your performance in the history as well, and instructions on how to improve.

The 60 Day Patient Experience “Sprint”

Turbocharge your New Patient Experience in this fast-paced 1-on-1 “sprint”, focusing specifically on the Initial Consultation and Report of Findings. For practitioners who are truly serious about improving their patient experience, this limited-duration sprint is ideal if you want regular personal support & accountability to get the most out of our work together. 

Whereas many practice consulting companies will tie you into 12 month contracts and other ongoing commitments, this 60 day sprint is designed to get the maximum results in the shortest time possible, and has a clear end date. This allows you to maximize your momentum and consistently implement and improve, whilst avoiding the fatigue and procrastination that comes with the other long term options used by others.

What’s Included:

  • Onboarding 40 min strategy call to discuss your goals, needs and design a specific plan to ensure your success
  • Video analysis of your new patient history and Report of Findings as above
  • A bespoke on-demand training program, with regular video content made available for you throughout the sprint (and for an additional 30 days afterwards)
  • Specific tasks, challenges and exercises throughout, to ensure you implement and master the required skills 
  • Feedback on a further two recordings of your choice (History or Report of Findings) at any point during the sprint – with lifetime access to all feedback recordings
  • Access to The Patient Centred Tribe – my exclusive inner circle membership community (includes monthly live Q&A drop in calls)
  • BONUS: My Mastering Any Courses pre-learning module – packed full of valuable strategies to ensure you make the most of our work together, this “short but sweet” micro course will be provided in advance of our work beginning. The 60 days won’t begin until you’re set and ready, ensuring you can “hit the ground running” and make the most of our time together.

I only take on a handful of clients at this level at any one time, so places are extremely limited.
If you see an error message when clicking the button below it means I’m currently at maximum capacity – please email if you’d like to know when the next spot is opening up

Choose the right option for your needs:

Here’s just a few of the reasons ethical, patient-centred practitioners choose to work with me…

  • Over 20 years working throughout the chiropractic industry – as a CA, associate, clinic owner and mentor
  • Awarded the British Chiropractic Association “Chiropractors Chiropractor” Award in 2022
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractors
  • Guest Lecturer at The Welsh Institute of Chiropractic, and London South Bank and Teesside Universities
  • Lectured internationally on patient-centred care, communication skills and ethical case management
  • Creator of the Certified Patient Centred Practitioner® Program

Unlike a lot of coaches, I’m still a practicing chiropractor – seeing patients 3 days a week in my own clinic. This means I’m also very selective – I strictly limit the number of practitioners I work with at any one time, to ensure they all get the attention they deserve.

For this reason, you may see some of the options you prefer above are currently marked as unavailable. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist, just email me:

But how do you know you can trust what I’m saying is true? Here’s proof that you’re in expert, caring hands…

If you’re thinking about it, just do it!

Before my review, I was worried about opening myself up to honest feedback. I didn’t feel it was as clear as I wanted, and I was prone to waffling a little at times. However, the feedback from Chris was incredibly helpful, and quick to implement too.
The whole process was so much easier than I’d feared – my diary is fuller and my patients better understand what we need to do to get them better.
Florentien Leurs DC
St James Chiropractic Clinic

Chris is a Phenomenal Coach!

Before working with Chris, I felt I wasn’t able to properly communicate what and why I was doing my treatments, and would dread giving a RoF. Chris is a phenomenal coach and provided so much value
Since putting these skills into practice, patients leave with a much better understanding of how chiropractic can help them and they definitely improve their commitment to the treatment plan and likeliness to refer a friend. And I actually have fun giving a RoF! 
Carly Zuehlke DC
Owner, The Movement Fix

Highly recommend one-on-one and team coaching!

Our clinic has used Dr. Chris Chippendale as our coach towards improved communication with patients – especially tricky areas like no-shows and late cancellations. We all found his suggestions and reframing very helpful and valuable.
Added to this, as a clinic owner, I now use Chris to help coach me in developing my leadership skills and to bounce practice management ideas off. I highly recommend one-on-one and team coaching!
Reid Robinson DC
CEO, Bermuda Sport & Spine

Chris has been such a great Mentor!

When I first started the certification, I was struggling with impostor syndrome. I thought I could just tell patients what they needed, and they’d listen and do it. I had a very Dr/Patient mindset that did not work well at all. Since joining I can get to my patients deeper goals, work with them to figure out where they want to go, and I go into new patient appointments excited rather than anxious.
Chris is very generous with his time, and has been a great mentor when it comes to communication and Chiropractic as a whole.
Luke Fleet DC
Chiltern Health centre

I actually enjoy doing a RoF now!

I never used to like doing RoF’s – I always felt like I was trying to convince the patient, and had “impostor” syndrome. Although I was a bit worried that this course would be the same advice I’d heard before, I actually enjoy doing a RoF now! Plus patients are much happier having a detailed plan moving forward, which means better retention/results and reviews.
Al Gunderson DC
Owner, Key City Chiropractic

Made a huge difference on my retention and outcomes!

I have been mentored by Chris a couple of years now. What I found very important was that whatever he teaches can be practiced straight away.
His expertise made a huge difference on my clients retention and outcomes. Couldn’t recommend him enough!
Maria Laoudikou DC
Owner, Nostos Centre

Should be REQUIRED training for new grads!

I look forward to each and every class and video that Chris has prepared for his students. I have searched alot to hear my story of burnout… and have verged on wanting to change careers. Working with Chris has allowed me to refocus and think about the real problem.
I really want to give a special thank you to Chris for providing all this information and this platform and I honestly feel like it should be REQUIRED training for new grads!
Nadine Hebdon DC
Owner, Hebdon Chiropractic

This has opened up a whole new passion for my work!

I have been a chiropractor for 35 years and I have always thought I was alright with my communication. However this has opened a whole new passion for my work and made me realise where I had gone wrong with particular people.
It has made me realise why patients haven’t taken on board my recommendations or perhaps not come back. This has also helped me deal with my staff better in difficult situations. Not to mention tricky situations with family!
Chris you are a star keep up the amazing work.
Alison Rigby DC
Owner, Wincanton Chiropractic Clinic

I cannot express how valuable this has been!

My team and I have been working with Chris in their training – not just with the new grads but with experienced practitioners as well. I’d just like to say how incredibly successful this work has been for us, and how both staff, and clinicians, and the patients in fact are all seeing the value of what Chris has shared.
I cannot express to you how valuable this has been to all of us -it’s put our clinicians, our staff, and our patients expectations on a much stronger trajectory. Thank you very much Chris!
Stefaan Vossen DC
CEO Core Clinics

So, now you have a choice to make when it comes to preventing early dropouts and levelling up your patient care:

Lengthy, expensive and unethical practice management programs… or proven, fast and personalized 1-2-1 feedback with guaranteed results

As a person-centred practitioner and coach, I want all of my clients to make an informed choice about who can best help them achieve their goals – which is why this page explains my approach. But the best way to truly understand that difference is to find out first hand.

So why not purchase a risk-free Asynchronous Insight Session today, with a unique, results based guarantee, so you can start getting better patient outcomes and enjoying practice even more than ever before.

Don’t risk burnout, decision fatigue, and your patients’ results. Schedule your review today by clicking the button below, and start your journey to a more fulfilling and successful career.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely not. Whereas some practitioners unfortunately do opt for the easy route to filling their schedule by simply over-treating (oftentimes told to do so but a practice management guru), that’s 100% not how I work. I also believe that there is no one size fits all approach to chiropractic, and that the person who knows what’s best for your patient is you!

When you work with me, I leave the clinical decision making up to you – my role is to take what you feel is best for each patient, and help you share that in a clear, inspiring and ethical manner. You’re always in the drivers seta, not me.

As little as possible! Each of the three options is designed to deliver maximum value for minimal effort on your part. For the RoF Review and New Patient Journey, you just need to send me your recordings and I’ll do the rest – all you have to do is kick back and wait for your results!

On the other hand, the 60 Day Sprint is more involved, as I’ll be providing you with far more valuable content and feedback. The exact amount will vary based on your needs but you should expect to spend roughly 2 hours a week outside of seeing patients reviewing the content and completing the exercises.

Of course, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out – but this is why it’s designed as a sprint and not a 6-12 month slog.

Not at all, this won’t affect your analysis or results.

Yeah, I know what you mean… many companies will simply use entry-level programs like this to try and “ascend clients up the value ladder” (i.e. constantly pitching their more expensive programs). I find that just as annoying as you probably do.

That’s why I designed these options – so you can get valuable and actionable feedback that you can implement right away for better results. And because I’m the only coach out there offering a results based guarantee, even if I wanted to it wouldn’t work – I’d be refunding clients all the time!

There’s no tricky small print involved here, or a time limit either – if you don’t feel you got a ton of value from me, I’ll give you every penny back, and you can even keep your analysis. No tricks, no catches, I promise.

That said, the only thing I ask is that you do your part and actually try implementing your feedback first. As much as I’d love to have a magic wand that produced instant results, in reality it can take a few weeks for some practitioners to implement and see results.

But like I said, there’s no time limit on the guarantee- and if you’re adamant you don’t want to try, I’m not going to hold your money ransom and refuse to refund you. Just know that without trying something new, you’ll always get the same results ;)

Absolutely – I’ve coached many Osteopaths and Physiotherapists in the past, and this content & material is just as relevant to them as it is ot Chiropractor.

Whilst the term “Report of Findings” is used mainly within chiropractic, it really just refers to the part of their care where you explain the diagnosis and treatment plan options. Whatever you happen to call it, it’s an essential “make or break” point for their care (and your career!).

As long as you’re not using imaging or fancy equipment primarily as a sales tool to scare patients into treatment, we can absolutely work together. Your choice of technique, typical treatment plan, or any other element of your care are important, but not the focus of this service – we’re focusing purely on how you deliver and explain them.

No. I don’t believe in scripts or cookie-cutter care, and would never recommend using scripted interactions or giving the same recommendations to everyone.

That said, there are definitely better and worse ways to structure a Report of Findings, which I will absolutely help you with. And if you choose the 60 Day Sprint option, I may recommend you scripting out certain parts or interactions – but this is purely as a learning exercise, and not something you’ll then be expected to memorise and repeat for every patient.

Forever – it’s yours! Whilst the additional video content for the 60 day sprint will only be available until 30 days after the sprint finishes (to keep you accountable and on target), any feedback recordings included are yours for life – I’ll send you the physical video file, not just a streaming link.

These video analyses come with a ton of value packed in, so you’ll want to review them multiple times as you implement and reassess your own performance.

Technically, no… but you’ll get more out of it if you do. Roleplayed interactions are typically a reasonable reflection of real ones, but to get the most accurate picture of how you’re doing, a real Report of Findings allows for the most accurate feedback.

If you’re nervous about asking your patient for consent, don’t be – as soon as you’ve ordered your review, I’ll send you a PDF guide with instructions on how the entire process works. This include the simple once sentence you (or your staff) can use to get permission from your patients. I also include an example consent form for patients if you need – though unless the patient will be on camera themselves (generally not necessary) this is typically not a requirement.

Still got a question? Just drop me an email: