Examination Exercises PDF

In this video, I wanted to share one of my favorite strategies for getting better results - Values Based Care. It's a term that's popping up more in the literature these days (including the paper that inspired today's post). But much like "patient-centred care", how to actually do it is rarely mentioned.

Finding out what really matters to your patients is one of the best ways I know to build stronger relationships, thereby getting better results for you both. It's not that hard to do once you know how, but you'll be surprised by how effective it can be!

Also, I mention an article I wrote earlier in the year that covers this topic, as well as many others related to using goal setting with your patients. You can find that here, including the free PDF download on how to actually find the goal (hard to use goal-setting if you don't know that!). 

P.S. In case you missed it, here's a link to a recent podcast episode I was on with Mike & Rob of Practice Mechanics - we covered this topic as well as several others.